Monday, July 3, 2017

Appalachian Trail Baptism

Georgia - June 10-17, 2017

In lieu of a more traditional post, I am including a poem I wrote that is dedicated to Cassie Ley, my stepdaughter, friend, backpacking buddy, and the the person most responsible for reawakening in me, my love of backpacking adventures.  

Appalachian Trail Baptism

She sold her dream
At family gatherings
A wouldn’t it be great
Collection of nattering’s

Cassie’s bold vision
Of a graduation gift
Loosed upon those
Who could give it a lift

Recounting tales
Of hiker lore
Adventure’s spark
Lit Boyd’s inner core

Upon graduation
We all agreed
Would be the time
To complete this deed

Summa Cum Laud
Was her graduation prize
Then off to REI
For a pack just her size

High tech gear
Right off the rack
High fives all round
With just the right pack

Bought some food
You know the kind
Dehydrated stuff
Sans water to bind

Packs got loaded
Drew them down tight
On to the scale
With hopes they were light

33 pounds
You got to be kidding 
Boyd was so sure
He had done Cassie’s bidding

Poop shovels and books
All were included
Left nothing behind
Oh how deluded

Packed up her car
With lightness of heart
The adventure begins
Springer Mountain our start

The soft trail began
With fairy dust twinkling
What was before us
Not more than an inkling

Over footbridge and brooks,
Through fields of wild fern
We wended our way
Talking in turn

Eleven miles of hiking
Just one summit more
To Sassafras Mountain
Lord our bodies were sore

Exhausted yet happy
Weary unto our core
We set up our camp 
On God’s forest floor

Embracing the downpour
We climbed up Blood Mountain
For all the world 
Like hiking a fountain

Timber Rattler on trail
With Cassie at lead
Jump back girl 
He’s a big one indeed

That’s one pissed off rattler
I’m here to say
Just couldn’t leave him
In everyone’s way

Trudged through more rain
To Blue Mountain Shelter
Weaving through rocks
Just all helter skelter

Naked as Jay Birds
We entered out tent
Upon Leveland Mountain
We were dry and content

Dicks Gap came upon us
Way way too soon
As this was only
Friday at noon

Storm was a coming
Food running lean
Half mile to the hostel
Where we could get clean

A cabin was rented
Warm showers were had
Civilization it seems
Wasn’t all that bad

And yet the next morn
As hikers got started
Cassie and I
Just stood broken hearted

Our souls were baptized
Upon that long trail
We who sustained
All hearty and hale

Dedicated to Cassie Ley, a daughter not of my blood, but of my soul. Boyd T. McCleary June, 2017

Here is a video Cassie put out on YouTube from our 70+ mile hike of the Georgia section of the Appalachian Trail:

Below are some pics we took along the way.  I can't wait to get back out on the trail!
Boyd & Cassie at beginning of hike, Springer Mtn.

Fire Weed along the trail

Just Boyd taking a breather

Celebrating finding some water to drink

Cassie catching the raindrops

Morning instant coffee from Starbucks

Fire weed and blue St. John Wort

A Luna Moth bright against the trails dark earth

Boyd's fire to dry socks and hiking boots

Warmth and heat after cold thunder showers

Boyd's dinner in cooling mode

Happy but exhausted

Lot's of rain to contend with

Post rain antics to keep up our spirits

Mountain Laurel

Plenty of mushrooms sprouting from the forrest floor

Happy time by one of the brooks

The 5' Timber Rattler Cassie almost stepped on and I cleared off the trail
Cassie, entertaining me along the way

Cassie on trail with wild Azaleas

Yup, Cassie smelling the flowers
Boyd by trailhead for Blood Mtn. 

Cassie with gear at Blood Mtn. Shelter

Cassie atop Blood Mtn. Summit
Cassie & Boyd atop Blood Man. post thundershower and soaked

Cassie and Boyd glad to be dry in tent

Boyd in one of the many panoramas to absorb

Cassie erecting our Hubba Hubba two-man tent

In our cabin at Top of Georgia Host

On Saturday June 17th, Andrea drove up from home and picked us up at Top of Georgia Hostel, and we went for a great hike altogether to Raven Cliff Falls, about a five mile hike not too far from Helen, Georgia.  We later enjoyed a relatively luxurious overnight stay at a lodge in Young Harris, Georgia before driving back to pick up Cassie's car which we had left at the top of Springer Mountain back on June 10th.  Here are just a few more pics from our time with Andrea.

Andrea and Cassie on Raven Falls Cliff Hike June 17th, 2017

Gotta love the colors

Cassie along Raven Cliff Falls Trail

A Happy Andrea trying out hiking poles

The only picture you will likely see of Boyd with full beard

Cassie enjoying some real food

Andrea & Cassie at Heidelberg Restaurant, Helen, Georgia

Real food for the hikers

A threesome at the resort June 17th, 2017
Till the next adventure unfolds!